
Stephen Bay

Stephen Bay hails from Cleveland, Ohio and lives in Southern California with his wife and two sons. He didn’t grow up in the Church—in fact, he wanted no part of it, but God had other plans. In 2006, Stephen followed a sense of calling and entered full-time ministry.

Since that time, he has served as the prayer ministry pastor and the kids’ pastor at Newsong Church and also spent two years in Japan as a missionary with the Evangelical Covenant Church. Stephen currently works as the senior content manager at Free Wheelchair Mission, a faith-based, humanitarian non-profit organization that serves people with disabilities in the developing world. In addition to this full-time role, Stephen regularly serves on the preaching rotation at two local churches and contributes to a children’s ministry curriculum as a writer, developer, and editor for Grow Kids. His work as a writer and editor has also been in publications by Wipf & Stock and Homefront Magazine.

Stephen holds a Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. When he isn’t busy working… well, he will let you know if that ever happens.

 I will extol the Lord at all times;
    his praise will always be on my lips.
 I will glory in the Lord;
    let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
 Glorify the Lord with me;
    let us exalt his name together.
(Psalm 34:1–3 NIV)

THE FINE PRINT: All views expressed on this site are solely my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity which I have been, currently am, or will be, affiliated with. Translation: if you don’t like what I write, please don’t blame the churches, organizations, or seminaries listed above, or any of my past, current, or future employers, or my wife and kids, or my friends, or anyone whom I have ever made any sort of contact with, anytime in recorded history, whether real or imagined. Did I cover all the bases?

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