Hungry, angry, lonely, or tired? You might be ripe for a spiritual attack. But what is it, and how does it work? It was one of those days. I had a long day at work, followed by a stressful commute that took longer than usual and involved more than one close call, fraying my nerves. […]
Ep. 25: On the Verge of Burnout
You can’t serve well unless you first know who you are (and aren’t). << Previous episode After receiving my ministry license, I was required to complete four orientation courses, each one a week long, usually in Chicago or Denver. These were not easy for me to pull off at the time, as Soo just had […]
Ep. 23: The Power of Forgiveness
Why cling to bitterness when you’re the only one who tastes it? << Previous Episode After my initiation into deliverance ministry, I began to meet with more people to pray for them, and while most people never manifest spiritually the way Jordan did, I did notice how many people were oppressed due to lingering bitterness […]