Ministry work requires financial accountability and good stewardship of resources. But how far is too far? << Previous episode The disaster relief and recovery network we served with in Japan would often receive a ton of donated items for our volunteer bases to distribute to tsunami survivors along the coast. Items included everything from socks […]
Ep. 49: Why Wait?
<< Previous Episode God’s timing is never late, though it often feels that way to us. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 2:11 NIV) We finally moved to Ofunato– the […]
Ep. 25: On the Verge of Burnout
You can’t serve well unless you first know who you are (and aren’t). << Previous episode After receiving my ministry license, I was required to complete four orientation courses, each one a week long, usually in Chicago or Denver. These were not easy for me to pull off at the time, as Soo just had […]
Ep. 21: Growing Pains
The journey towards humility can be excruciating. << Previous Episode Many martial-arts films feature a student seeking to learn from a master, who won’t teach anything until the potential student first demonstrates humility, patience, and obedience; only then will the master work to develop the student’s full potential. Think Daniel-san waxing Mr. Miyagi’s cars, or […]
Ep. 18: The Hearing Test
I thought God was speaking to me. But was He really? << Previous episode I was on fire for Jesus after returning from Bangkok, telling anyone who’d listen that God is bigger than any of us could comprehend, yet He loves us and is with us in our day-to-day lives, even when we don’t notice […]
Ep. 6: The Green Destiny #firstdate
<< Previous Episode Even after I turned away from God, He redeemed a painful situation and corrected my course. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:8) Martial arts were a source of pride. I was proud of what I could accomplish through hard work, tenacity, and perseverance. I was finding […]